How to work effectively with your IT partner

July 31, 2023

If you want to grow your business with technology, you might need some help from an IT partner. An IT partner is someone who can provide you with the IT services you need, such as technology consulting, cloud computing, IT infrastructure, or cybersecurity.

But how do you work with an IT partner effectively? How do you make sure you are on the same page, communicate well, and get the best results?

In this article, we will share some tips on how to work effectively with your IT partner. These tips will help you create a successful partnership that will benefit both of you.

Tip 1: Set clear and realistic goals

The first step to working effectively with your IT partner is to set clear and realistic goals for your IT project.

This means that you should have a specific and measurable outcome that you want to achieve, such as increasing your sales, improving your customer satisfaction, or reducing your costs.

Have a realistic and feasible plan on how to achieve your goals, such as what tasks you need to do, what resources you need to use, and what timeline you need to follow.

You should also communicate your goals and plan to your IT partner and make sure they understand and agree with them.

This will help you align your vision and expectations, and avoid misunderstandings or disappointments later on.

Setting clear and realistic goals is also important for several reasons.

First, it helps you focus on what matters most for your business and avoid distractions or irrelevant activities.

Second, it helps you monitor your progress and evaluate your results, and make adjustments or improvements if needed.

Third, it helps you motivate yourself and your IT partner, and create a sense of achievement and satisfaction when you reach your goals.

male worker putting his sticky note idea on the wall

To set clear and realistic goals, you should follow the SMART criteria. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This means that your goals should be:

  • Specific: State exactly what you want to accomplish, who is involved, where it will happen, and why it is important.
  • Measurable: Quantify or qualify how you will know if you have achieved your goals, such as using numbers, percentages, ratings, or feedback.
  • Achievable: Make sure that your goal is realistic and attainable, given your current situation, resources, and capabilities.
  • Relevant: Make sure that your goal is aligned with your overall business vision, mission, values, and objectives.
  • Time-bound: Set a deadline or timeframe for when you want to achieve your goal.

Some examples of clear and realistic goals are:

  • To develop a mobile app that can handle 10,000 users per day
  • To migrate your data to the cloud without compromising security or performance
  • To implement a cybersecurity system that can prevent and detect cyberattacks

Tip 2: Choose the right communication tools and channels

The second step to working effectively with your IT partner is to choose the right communication tools and channels for your IT project.

Communication is key to any collaboration, especially when working with an IT partner who may have a different background, culture, or work style than you.

It helps you build rapport and trust with your IT partner, and create a positive and professional relationship with them.

It also makes it easier for your IT partner to exchange information, manage expectations and deliverables, and avoid miscommunication with them.

You should choose the communication tools and channels that suit your needs and preferences, such as email, phone, video call, chat, or project management software.

To choose the right communication tools and channels, you should consider the following factors:

  • Purpose: Choose the communication tool or channel that matches the purpose of your communication, such as formal or informal, urgent or important, interactive or personal, etc.
  • Preference: Choose the communication tool or channel that matches your preference and that of your IT partner, such as text or voice, synchronous or asynchronous, visual or auditory, etc.
  • Performance: Choose the communication tool or channel that performs well in terms of speed, reliability, security, cost, etc.
engineering guy working on a laptop and on-site

Some examples of communication tools and channels are:


A good option for formal and official communication, such as contracts, proposals, invoices, etc. It is also a good option for asynchronous communication when you or your IT partner are not available at the same time.


A good option for urgent and important communication, such as emergencies, escalations, deadlines, etc. It is also a good option for voice communication when you or your IT partner prefer to talk rather than type.

Video call

A good option for interactive and personal communication, such as meetings, presentations, demos, etc. It is also a good option for visual communication when you or your IT partner want to see each other or share screens.


A good option for informal and casual communication, such as greetings, check-ins, quick questions, etc. It is also a good option for synchronous communication when you or your IT partner are available at the same time.

Project management software

A good option for collaborative and organized communication, such as tasks, milestones, progress reports, etc. It is also a good option for performance communication when you or your IT partner want to track and manage your project effectively.

Tip 3: Trust and respect your IT partner

The third step to working effectively with your IT partner is to foster a solid foundation of trust and respect.

Collaboration thrives when both parties believe in each other's abilities and maintain an environment of open communication and cooperation.

Follow these key principles to ensure a productive and harmonious working relationship with your IT partner:

Embrace trust and expertise

Start by acknowledging the expertise and experience your IT partner brings to the table. Trust their abilities to deliver quality work and innovative solutions. When trust is present, it paves the way for enhanced collaboration and allows your IT partner to explore new approaches without fear of undue criticism.

Value their input

Respect your IT partner's opinions, ideas, and suggestions. Each member of the partnership plays a crucial role, and their unique perspectives contribute to the success of your projects. Create a culture that encourages open discussions and appreciates diverse viewpoints.

Avoid micromanagement

Micromanaging your IT partner can be counterproductive. It not only undermines their confidence but also hinders their creativity and problem-solving capabilities. Allow your IT partner the freedom to execute tasks independently, while offering support and guidance when needed.

Foster flexibility

Understand that IT projects may encounter unexpected challenges or require adjustments along the way. Encourage flexibility in your approach, and be open to adapting to changing circumstances. A willingness to adjust course when necessary will lead to more successful outcomes.

Establish communication channels

Clear and effective communication is the backbone of any successful partnership. Regularly engage in discussions, status updates, and progress reports. Maintain an open-door policy, ensuring that both you and your IT partner can freely share thoughts, concerns, and feedback.

Set realistic expectations

While trust is vital, it's essential to set clear and realistic expectations for both parties. Establish measurable goals and performance metrics that align with your project objectives. This creates a sense of accountability and motivation to deliver results.

Group of Diverse Business People Successful Teamwork Working Together with Laptop Computer at Office.

Embrace accountability

Accountability is the bedrock of a productive partnership. Regularly review progress and discuss achievements and challenges openly. When issues arise, address them promptly, and collaborate on finding effective solutions.

By following these principles of trust and respect, you lay the groundwork for a successful and fulfilling collaboration with your IT partner.

Embrace the diversity of skills and expertise they offer, foster an atmosphere of open communication, and empower them with the autonomy they need to excel.

A strong partnership built on trust and respect will drive your IT projects to greater heights.

Tip 4: Appreciate and acknowledge your IT partner's contributions

The fourth step to working effectively with your IT partner is to appreciate and acknowledge your IT partner's contributions.

Working with an IT partner can be a rewarding experience if you appreciate and acknowledge their contributions.

You should recognize their efforts and achievements, give them positive feedback, and celebrate their successes.

You should also express your gratitude and appreciation for their work, and show them that you value their partnership. This will help you build a strong relationship with your IT partner, and motivate them to continue delivering high-quality work.


These tips will help you work effectively with your IT partner and achieve your business goals with technology.

Remember that working with an IT partner is not a one-time transaction, but a long-term relationship that requires mutual understanding, cooperation, and support.

Embrace this collaboration as an opportunity to bring innovation and efficiency to your business, positioning yourself for long-term success in the digital era.

With a proactive approach and commitment to collaboration, your partnership can become a powerful catalyst for positive change and growth within your organization.

AXO Technologies Sdn Bhd (1276407-U) is an innovative and thoughtful IT consulting firm based in Selangor, Malaysia. We help organizations solve their IT challenges by leveraging technology in their business process.

With our certified professional team, we strive to provide a better understanding and relationship with our customers.
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