How Legacy IT Systems Are Hurting Your Business Profits

August 30, 2024

We currently live in an era where technology evolves at breakneck speed. Many businesses often find themselves at a crossroads between clinging to old, familiar systems and embracing modern, agile solutions.

We have already taken a deep dive into “What is a legacy system, and why is it still around?” before; you can read it to understand what a legacy system is all about.

While legacy IT systems were reliable and champions in their heyday, they have become a significant burden to the business. Not only does it silently erode profit margins, but it also stifles our business growth.

In this article, we will discuss how these legacy IT systems are hurting your business profits so that you can make informed decisions about when to modernize and invest in new technologies.

Operational Inefficiencies

Old technology often runs slower, takes a long time to execute certain tasks, and is prone to errors. It always takes more time and effort for you to complete even simple tasks.

According to the research from Scalable Software, an additional 2.83 hours a week on average are wasted because employees are struggling with technology that simply doesn’t work, runs slowly, or because of poor design and inefficient workflow.

For instance, processing a simple customer order might involve navigating through multiple outdated interfaces, manually entering data, and cross-referencing information from different systems. This not only slows down your operations but also increases the likelihood of costly human errors.

Moreover, legacy systems typically need more integration capabilities than modern systems offer. Because of this, businesses are forced to depend on labor-intensive manual procedures or expensive outside solutions to connect disparate systems.

The result? A significant drain on employee productivity, higher operational costs, and, ultimately, lower profit margins.

The high cost of maintenance and support

Maintaining and supporting older IT systems can be quite expensive. As these systems age, they become increasingly complex and difficult to manage.

A study reveals that the United States spends a staggering $337 million each year to operate and maintain just ten of the government's outdated systems.

Finding skilled professionals who understand these outdated technologies is becoming harder and more expensive. This often means businesses must pay a premium for maintenance and support, which takes away valuable resources that could be more effectively used for fostering innovation and expansion.

Additionally, legacy systems are more prone to breakdowns and require frequent patching and updates to keep them running. These patches are often short-term solutions that fail to tackle the root causes. It only contributes to a never-ending cycle of ongoing maintenance expenses. Over time, these expenses can add up, significantly impacting your business's profitability.

Inflexibility and the inability to scale

Scalability and flexibility are essential for success in today’s fast-paced business world. Unfortunately, legacy IT systems are notoriously inflexible. Unfortunately, legacy IT systems, often designed for specific purposes years ago, frequently fall short in these areas.

Their rigid structures make it challenging to adapt to changing business needs, hindering your ability to seize new opportunities or respond to market shifts.

For instance, if your company aims to launch a new product or expand into a new market, a legacy system might lack the capacity to support the increased workload. This can lead to missed opportunities and financial losses.

Furthermore, these systems often struggle to integrate with modern technologies like cloud computing, AI, or big data analytics. Such limitations can hamper your business's growth and also place you at a competitive disadvantage.

Security Vulnerabilities

Security is another critical area where legacy IT systems can hurt your business profits. These systems were often built before the modern threat landscape existed, making them particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Hackers are well aware of the weaknesses in legacy systems and often target them for this very reason. A successful cyberattack can result in severe consequences, including data breaches, loss of customer trust, and substantial financial penalties.

The increasing regulatory focus on data protection exacerbates these risks, making it even more difficult for businesses to protect themselves from cyber threats. 

For example, in 2017, the Equifax data breach exposed the personal information of over 147 million people, resulting in a settlement of over $400 million. This breach was attributed to vulnerabilities in the company's legacy systems, which allowed hackers to access sensitive data, and also highlights the astronomical costs that businesses can face due to cyberattacks.

Even if a breach is avoided, the cost of maintaining adequate security for legacy systems remains significant. These systems require constant monitoring and updates to defend against new threats, adding yet another layer of expense to their already high maintenance costs.

The Opportunity Cost of Stagnation

One of the most significant, yet often overlooked, impacts of legacy IT systems on profitability is the opportunity cost of stagnation. While competitors are investing in modern technologies that streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth, businesses clinging to legacy systems risk falling behind.

Let's say if you continue to rely on outdated inventory management systems for your business, you may be missing out on opportunities to optimize stock levels, reduce costs, and prevent stockouts. Modern inventory management systems can provide real-time data, automate ordering processes, and improve supply chain efficiency.

The longer a business delays modernization, the more costly it becomes, both in terms of direct expenses and missed opportunities. By failing to embrace innovation, businesses may find themselves at a competitive disadvantage, unable to capitalize on emerging trends and market opportunities.

The hidden cost of legacy IT systems

Legacy IT systems, while familiar, can have a devastating impact on a business's profitability. Beyond their initial price tag, they often lead to operational inefficiencies, high maintenance costs, security vulnerabilities, and missed opportunities.

The short-term savings of maintaining the status quo are outweighed by the long-term benefits of modernization. By investing in modern, flexible, and scalable solutions, businesses can reduce costs, improve efficiency, and position themselves for future growth.

In the modern business landscape, upgrading IT systems is not just about staying current; it's essential for safeguarding a business's future and ensuring its continued success.

Curious how we could help your organization evaluate or switch your legacy system? Schedule a meeting with us today for a free consultation.

AXO Technologies Sdn Bhd (1276407-U) is an innovative and thoughtful IT consulting firm based in Selangor, Malaysia. We help organizations solve their IT challenges by leveraging technology in their business process.

With our certified professional team, we strive to provide a better understanding and relationship with our customers.
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