Cloud readiness assessment

Gain a better understanding of how business processes and technology maturity impact your cloud strategy through our qualitative analysis.

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Clarity and discipline to your cloud adoption

Cloud computing takes virtualization and resource pooling to a new level by introducing the enabling principles of on-demand user self-service, metered utilization / charge model, ubiquitous network access, and rapid elasticity. These characteristics present added challenges to an organization’s processes and controls.

AXO cloud readiness assessment help answer these questions

How will your processes for change and release fare when allowing certain user groups to self-provision resources?
How will your compliance controls perform in a highly automated virtual world of shared resources?
Is your business prepared to account for IT or applications to be metered out as a service?
Do you know what business use cases might benefit most from implementing an internal cloud?
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Designed to assist you on your journey to cloud maturity

Use-case-centric approach

Accelerating the impact of the cloud in predictably successful applications, while limiting the risk of overreaching or creating vague expectations.

Reliable experience

We have advised many medium and large-sized enterprises on data center transformation strategies, including cloud computing adoption.

Holistic review

Providing a holistic review of your environment as it concerns to successful cloud adoption, including technology, business skills, and process.

Benefits of AXO cloud readiness assessment


Understand how well your business is positioned for cloud adoption and where potential benefits lie.

Mitigate risk

Mitigate risk by knowing what controls and processes support or impede your cloud computing goals.

Identify & validate

Identify and validate cloud use
cases that will be beneficial for
your business’ future.

Define gaps

Define high-priority organizational and operational gaps to cloud adoption.

The journey to cloud maturity begins here

Our team is dedicated to delivering end-to-end IT transformation. It starts by fully understanding your business requirements, application needs and the technology that makes them work together.


Assessing how IT enables your business today and discover your goals and requirements for a successful cloud deployment strategy. We facilitate interviews with your key stakeholders, process owners, and the technology teams. We also review existing technical documentation to understand your current operating model and its ability to support the next phases of cloud computing.


Based on your process, vision, people, culture, and technology. We begin to analyze information across the following five areas:

Business control
Financial oversight
Service and operations
Orchestration and delivery
Architecture and engineering
AXO Technologies Sdn Bhd (1276407-U) is an innovative and thoughtful IT consulting firm based in Selangor, Malaysia. We help organizations solve their IT challenges by leveraging technology in their business process.

With our certified professional team, we strive to provide a better understanding and relationship with our customers.
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