Big data analytics

Transform your decision making with the data-driven strategy with AXO data analytics services.

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AXO comprehensive data analytics services

We help you understand your core audience needs, new opportunities, or even your hidden flaws. Gain the power of data to identify, classify, and customize your impact in the market.

Big data analytics

With an extensive technology stack, we provide you with relevant insights for customer behavior, operational processes, fraud prevention, risk management and more. Through cross-channel integration, capitalize on meaningful BI to achieve desired business outcomes.

Data management

It is easy to lose in the sea of data. Our data management experts help you take on the massive task of quality management, data governance, migration, integration, implementation, and archiving. Preserve, organize, enhance security, and filtered data for your review.

Predictive analytics

Analyze data to calculate future outcomes based on the analytics model. We help you uncover the potential risks and identify opportunities for your organization. Finding patterns and recognize your business future value through our advanced analytics solutions.

Data visualization and reporting

An intelligent and informative representation of your data is crucial for it to be meaningful. Our data visualization experts will profile your data through charts, infographics, heat maps, and other visual cues to help you visualize the value, gain new insights into your data. We will generate custom reports and create your very own decision support system.

Our approach to data analytics

We focus our process towards drawing maximum value out of every decision made in every department of your company. Deliver analytics, reports, BI and predictions of increasing accuracy to solve your problems, sometimes even before they crop up.


Define data requirements

Data is available in abundance. We need to know what to look for. To initiate this process, we define the data requirements of the business and the problems to be addressed. A business analyst is involved in quantifying available data, and helping identify KPIs and objectives early on.


Data collection

Gathering relevant data from existing databases, data warehouses, and other internal and external sources. The extracted data will be stored in an organized system to make sure it is consistent, collaboration enabled, and time-saving.


Data cleaning

Collected data will be cleaned and validated to enhance its quality and accuracy. Our data experts will trim all of the unstructured, junk data and fill the gaps to avoid misleading information that could lead to unreliable representation.


Data analysis

In-depth data analysis by exploiting and exploring the data through inspection, plotting, and modeling to spot patterns, drawing comparisons, and produce constructive insights.


Data optimization

Evaluate the data models based on expert statistical analysis. The predictive technique will be used to determine future outcomes. These conclusions are further examined to find one that is most accurate, cost-efficient and favorable to the business.


Deployment and monitoring

Implementing the solution derived in the optimization stage inline with predefined objectives. Monitoring the outcomes and performing continuous course corrections to exceed business challenges.

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AXO Technologies Sdn Bhd (1276407-U) is an innovative and thoughtful IT consulting firm based in Selangor, Malaysia. We help organizations solve their IT challenges by leveraging technology in their business process.

With our certified professional team, we strive to provide a better understanding and relationship with our customers.
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